Monday, December 31, 2012

The spoof ruler, 10 nirvana skills CD is benevolent

        I was a small T, just like the wild a walk, the morning secretly number under their own guardian skills in the wild, secretly discharged their guardian 10 nausea skills.
NO.10 healing hand
Away from home encounter guardian, finally own all the skills he residual blood. At this time the healing hand. In my heart, I could not help but silently scolded a reset cd your blood, my skills have not reset the cd it! He hung up and guardian hit, residual blood, yet Xie Hui, risen! Skills in the past, ate the impact of volume! Dp, full of blood, and then I hung up. The future can not do this job! To return to the blood to say in advance that I may leave some skills. Skills, your blood is full, this is not entrap my thing!
NO.9 comrades protection
Game, then worse, a play, but a group of good Gayfriend. So often the team stroll in front to a guardian, a Heals. Full skills seakill Heals. How Heals blood out off you can not afford to! The comrades protection you let me play guard or fight Heals guard play a the Heals plus blood, Heals fight can not afford the blood. Well, do duct Run.
NO.8 capture
Encountered guardian, crippled blood, well, I Run, a pull! Break my heart, and you do not want to play with you dragging me back, this is a difficult one! Originally sister and Heals good are cotton, a pull, sister is Guaipao to! And Gayfrend go out, met a man, just tab to Heals. Pulled past black and white. Point you pull, do not point you pull!
NO.7 Mirage
Go out with star bow star and Gayfrend kill, encountered a guardian, pro stealth to his side. I rub directly into their own Mirage family killed and bow to pull out! Others small to kill you fight, fight, however, by a cloak, but also had time to run it, the Mirage directly with out.
NO.6 Jianfeng
Encountered the attack burst guardian, nothing was shot down, nothing downing fall, finally encountered a magic anti-guardian of the, I thought this bully you. Knocked down, this skill, and sent his five meters, a jump put direct dual plug.

NO.5 Lord God
Back to the blood, less pc, to increase the upper limit. I fight or not to fight each fight all tangled hit 75% when his blood can not afford to also become full also rise up! You let me play or not to play!
NO.4 blocking
The lazy and did not come out and demonic sister encountered a magic anti guardian immediately regret the death. Magic resistance was also open blocked. Put our crowd inside cruise to cruise! See beautiful sister go pro next!
Of NO.3 Dark of the disciplinary
The great difficulty Today group a team of buddies and they pushed! Collective fire aimed guardian. Skills down his wave of what DOT but lost a lot of my own, weighs! Dare nausea point is not! And damage absorption and anti-injury, also twice a dp carve! No wonder every time inexplicable is anti-death.
No.2 double
Finally find our home Modao buddy heap more buff in your body, and when ready to focus gunfire, a double, not to mention just heap buff it, even plush gone! Saying you minus 50% to 50%! Nothing you also to a lifting of all the negative buff! Click your skills!
The NO.1 skills cd guardian
A team of guys ready to intercept and saw a guardian, everyone on the ah! Any grudges against the revenge, no hatred help any grudges against the newspaper! You resist we forbearance! Your anti-wounds we endure! You invincible we endure, we can stand full of your blood! You heap buuff of no we can stand! But you can not resist over, against injury, anti-injury finished invincible, invincible finished full of blood! You gently press a few keyboard happy a few clicks of the mouse, but pro our skills Burongyia, they are going to scrap blue to by hand! Slaving wave skills according to finish, you also put that drinking water!
Saying the game Well, one really to play does not go on, even a vocational skills again God, he can not be God, however a group of friends!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Magic Star Dragon Emperor copy of misunderstanding, an increase of injury control blue tips.

Say Injuries:

I can clearly tell you the full buf3200 increase enough the Dragon Emperor general law enforcement is not very preached, so you only need to land gowns + cuisine 3200 increase is enough, more is a waste, do not listen others say 3300 is necessary to heap so high, completely useless, might as well go hit the spiritual force.

About the output:

Before I remember was explained in detail that is very specific meaning that output in two phases, with Bai Jie with no Bai Jie, sometimes put read long skills, not when put read SMS with Instant , also remember to put the first flame dissolved the Dragon Emperor skilled workers can close the air-conditioning, this is not recommended if the unskilled and when you play Dragon Emperor mobs set of points in, then the magic 26% open.
These are not very important, the key is to control blue.

Cuisine places gowns this must unskilled novice then four or five skills + a magic Frostsaber This will affect output.

About the Dragon Emperor Modao Total follows several substantial back to the blue opportunity.

, 26% of card three waves of thorns, strip restraint back to blue, the need to strip the macro.

Second, after atomization knock recovered crystals, 5000 Blood 5000 Blue.

Vitality exchange, this should be noted that if your team is bad mobs pull must be careful with this skill Do not wait for your blue bottom and then, there are about 3000, when the exchange + vitality + Double If your team is good mobs to pull, did not hit the output of the team when, in the first wave of atomized.

Can just skilled Frostsaber do not have, it is not, we have a soul absorbed, this skill is recommended to stay in the last re-use.

Another point: Guardian leakage strange, this is normal if you are surrounded by strange remember to move your position, 5m + on the line, do not stand to blame the front does not move!

Even Magic or bad team, because the population base is too great in plus 3.0 that has been prevalent in the culture of the Dark Road.

Only one point no matter what seeking group when we must say: I is 3300 + skilled repeatedly pushed to violence Magic.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Not BUG presence of a correct view of aion fairy Star

       Mixed experience area, awash want harmony fairy Star fairy Star hand for the Disabled playing career. Which I figure the post most of the Magic write, I can not stand it anymore, I would like to say that not only hand residue hand residue career. Why? Please wait for me below resolve. (1)

          First of all, I ask a question: Why did Magic called fairy star? Increase the skills of the 3.0 version of the fairy star "magic explosion, spiritual sympathetic soul plunder ..." Magic increased skills "Storm assault, robes, the career also increase a magic offset attribute. Magic can not stand, and why? Fairy's Measurements are up, no longer is that can control can not be output, the output can not control occupational Magic lowering pvp output began to clamor.
        Not magic offset ask which career can top few Modao the big trick, when Magic need to operate it? Do not need to answer, enemies to the shells of several large move to call it a day, this operation at all? Bomb several times now, but also to seize the opportunity to hand residues Magic is a child object other occupations, where full clamored of other occupational strong are parallel, hands residue Magic.
            Secondly, I want to give you supplement aion career positioning fairy Star is aion control most career, but she does not have explosive power, she is good at "sm capability. Magic explosive Master, Remote outbreak magic damage. Two professional distinction: fairy life insurance is to control others, the Magic life insurance is to protect themselves and control others has accounted for a lot of cheap, in fact, in this Magic.
         Fairy star control chain is broken that is beating the copies, while Magic can not control others there is self-protection skills "a variety of bombs, evade, armor, Ice Armor ......" Magic you need? As for fairy burn buff bug, you drive cattle fork buff, the second person of the buff, invincible buff, we should allow you fairy wore seckill or wore you beating the invincible? That fairy called curse division that this career can disappear aion. (2)

          Again I still problems leads to thinking the the fairy star so strong you Modao own son how not to play a NC and SD specifies you can not play fairy do? The reason is not that character determines what kind of person suitable to play what kind of career.
           Sword Star is the kind of blood are not afraid of death assault the character of people play the guardian is the kind of character to play Big Brother Zhaode Zhu. fairy, law enforcement, heals just have patience and love to play. A senior fairy players must have a fear or loneliness, and very patient person.
Have you ever thought about brushing team few fairy you ever thought about another career regarded dark rotten the fairy but keep a copy of the door waiting for well-intentioned people to the group, when you Magic is doing what? You consider that the same door called fairy? Different versions, NC just do occupational balance to originally belonged to the status of fairy large Modao sense of superiority gone, a copy of the equipment has not Magic an exclusive.
        Finally, I summarize, fairy star has just eight-Star status of the owner, and some have superior Magic used to put you mentality balance, balance not play fairy star. Extended, if other occupations that fairy strong play, but you have experienced less than a kite-flying fun from beta adhere to the fairy will know the fun and bitterness.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Will be weakened due to the leak of confusion Arrow Blizzard Warlock designers were dismissed

    Become the "most unpopular" occupation, "earth fission" Warlock from operation or injury, Warlock compared to several other violence law career no advantage. Panda mystery ", Warlock redesigned almost become another profession, however no results in the success or failure before the the Warlock design team leader Xelnath he was fired. (1)

According to foreign media reports, Xelnath was fired not because the failure of the Warlock design, on the contrary, from the current view, Warlock is more fun, more interesting skills, he was fired because the leaked Warlock skills changes.

The Xelnath revealed some forum posts Warlock Chaos Bolt will nerf, reduce the power in the arena, although this change has not been finalized, Blizzard has not made ​​a final decision, so behavior Xelnath is very unprofessional 's. Although a lot of players in the the wow forum on Europe and North America for the Xelnath disaffected, but his departure has not changed.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mercenaries single brush a four-player game experience and analysis of the third act

First of all, thanks in three base Friends of: INVISIBLEMAN, legendBoy, kevin, full assistance. Not pulled a strange hatred, they would prefer to not fall and I kicked a perfect distance.
First to admit there is a panel, after analyze (because the single-player game already roll, so the analysis of the single-player game also omitted):


The DPS is 230,000. In fact, the landlord is not a panel control, because the the landlord on Heliconia lion, so directly fitted with the direction given in the crit. The reason is that the the Heliconia lion deformity output (ultra-low and white, ultra-high blast injury) means that non-crit damage almost negligible meter (various fire roll like crit skills except)

Double game

And white strange: almost all white on strange yellow letters on the dead.

Elite: Cluster Arrow penultimate Rune almost not feel the difference between single and double, to throw position is good enough, basically an elite shall fall.

Three of the game

And white strange: one to two yellow letters to die, and then have been able to feel a Farm efficiency is low, but not hurt.

Elite: three of the game landlord Cluster Arrow replaced shadow beast airstrike. Fear clear mobs hate running out a bit embarrassing encounter elite ...

The elite has significantly resistant to feel under the three games to play. If elite belong to the single player to meet dead, Double belongs hit a trio of elite can deal with the landlord while. (No demerit time, probably more than ten seconds?)

Four players

And white strange: the dead one to three yellow letters. However, because the problem of burst rate for each need more than what the yellow letters implies the need to play more than about efficiency is significantly lower. Sometimes, in the face of a high dps strange has need to kite.

Elite: only the blood very soft elite (scorpions, witch doctors and the like) stations good to do a beast shadow airstrike dead. All need to deal with the other, is fast running speed. The feeling strange AI are high, and a variety of Dodge Paolu fight annoying.

Summary: the landlord belongs bare precepts hunting magic man, the precepts of only 30. Recovery precepts penultimate Rune precepts of less than 15 seconds can guarantee no worries about the war in four of the game's elite almost did not encounter the precepts insufficient, although it may sometimes be more than 15 seconds, but the elite almost The depleted or disability than half. So, in this trial, the landlord that to 230,000 panels careful with not simply panel control is perfectly adequate. Even 15 seconds or 30 seconds, even 45 seconds to beat to death the elite, so what? The hunting magic has always been a dead mill Lai mill career, previously wasteland when and who is not kite kinds elite Gaosi.


1.0.5 blood addition in the end how is not known. 4 game blood innocent word blame this panel is already enough. 4 and there is a significant difference, but in fact, it does no harm. For elites sufficient (do not forget the poor landlord blood anti precepts for later), after all, the landlord of the test has not yet seriously kite, all skills are nothing to do with the kite word. Kite flow apparently can do the same thing with the lower panel.

Resistance and blood

This estimate is most people want to know the previous forum above a variety of people that less than 4,500 anti-blood of 40,000 hunting magic people can not play multiplayer games. Only the single-player game rolling, the multiplayer games kneeling into a dog. Landlord experienced this first hit you in the face. (Sorry no malicious)

The poor landlord of blood anti you all saw, the experience the following conclusions:

The current monster damage dps sufficient anti and blood have been quite enough, either single-player or four-player game. Because blood anti make you strange deal a long time kneeling, so count kite (if needed), almost ground to wings precepts.

Specific circumstances: in addition to the knife god, and a handful of high damage strange, the damage caused by the most of the blame, including the elite in the case of open wings can be negligible, almost invisible Diaoxie. In the wings, it can probably be resistance javelin soldiers around 5 Next (not specifically tried, but visual inspection should be about the same), resistant fat Mage look (there seems to be seconds, do not remember, because the non-elite, almost all meet dead), ordinary earthquake Lord empty blood but immortality (this very impression twice yesterday ...).

Guess? When landlord resistance to the blood will hang? Weak attack of the blame is not put aside, because most strange fact, even 2 times the damage is far better now knife Lord. A knife The Lord For example: Now the knives Lord cut probably stabilize at about 3/5 of blood (without wings), so visual knives Lord harm * 1.66 then, the landlord knife he rushed to the street. In other words, the landlord armor to avoid injury to 55 +, resistance to injury-free 54 +. If you need to ensure that flutter Street, 1.66 times the damage does not need to do 1.66 times the effective life of the landlord.

1.0.5 Nerf injury-free effect Nerf strange injury. Blizzard to say, I hope more people are freed from the defensive skills. 1.0.5 the strange injury Nerf magnitude should be larger than the magnitude of the skills Nerf. That is 1.0.5, Nerf after knife Lord of the injury needs more than 1.66 times the and allows landlord flutter Street.

Guess again, 1.0.5 damage Level in the end will be higher than the original injury how much? Landlord that most of the difficulty of not more than two times. The reason is that the long-range career aside not more than twice the melee non-high rich handsome can not play. When the monster hurt high mean blood has also been very high (for example, are more than three times?) The landlord think this time, if you go to select resistance reduced dps very worthwhile.

Or example, When a person once the time spent by a group of elite undead finished killing 5 Contra dead, the so-called resistance in the end what is the point? After all, when strange in 1.0.5 hurt high blood while they also went up, and because of the existence of melee, the landlord guess blood rises should be greater than the harm. So had to give up "1.0.5 dps in exchange for higher survival" of children's shoes are, I am afraid that more needs to be considered. The dps change resistance only reasonable theoretical basis is monster high damage the same amount of blood, and other trade-off.

The gold content of the panel

The landlord is certainly not the first to put forward the panel gold once again put forward the concept of hope to many children's shoes fitted in order to 1.0.5 point reference recommendations. Landlord for example, the the landlord panel of 230,000. However, if the shoes replace Na Na head on the head Zu shoes, dps 230,000 higher than a little bit, and cheaper. The landlord completely abandoned the security head and progenitor shoes, the players must have a high burst rate because the the Heliconia lion deformity attributes. If you give up 7 explosion order panel the heap Gongsu if only others look to shoot something I need to play more than look. Although I might the panel higher, higher panel what is the significance?

(Dual holding to the hands crossbow proposals do not understand, do not talk nonsense almost never played): two holes cincinnus lion on two words, anger heap burst rate, others are clouds.

Other hands the crossbow: because most hands crossbow attack speed, so the fight is very embarrassing. Very difficult in the face of all kinds of strange sea gang fights, So the recommended hands crossbow in witch different moments, Yin Na moderation, IAS with the rings and Gongsu inside the glove at least elect three samples, IAS heap to 1.5 later will be a little more peace of mind.

Back to the blood ability: because hands crossbow IAS limited dph is high, it is proposed the heap in a part of a "kill to restore life. Or a blood-sucking properties (although this is difficult) heap weapons.


Landlord the precepts of only 30, but still play a very impressive, all because of a 15 second recovery 45 commandments Rune. So barely enough precepts of feeling. Of course, if after 15 seconds there is a lot of high damage something chasing me how to do? A: and not dodge seconds can not afford kneeling. Continuous encountered several groups of anti-injury no precepts of open wings how to do? A: while eating blood cell side of the kite. If there is no blood cell how to do? A: daze ...

Therefore, the 30 commandments landlord does not advocate. Changed to 5 seconds just 1.0.5 wings can mix, so the landlord still adhere to the 30 commandments routes.

As for the 30 commandments of the reason is very simple: the witch the different moment too wonderful, can not do without. Yin Na blessing to be abandoned. And Yin Na pants do not you find something with what a pity, coupled with Natalya hug the attributes wife too pit father, and so decisively put Yin Na tolerance; Dead Heritage precepts quiver prices were inflated, and nearly 300 the sensitive body quiver does look more love.

Conjecture: 1.0.5 blame the 30 commandments of the face of high blood high damage how to do? The landlord figured 1.0.5 The following 30 precepts with Rune fired seven wings roughly 35 seconds, said the pressure is really not. If it is not enough how to do? Buy a Jordan is not on the list!

Finally add a lot of people may be curious about why this resistance will be able to endure the knife Ye Zhen Ye, the answer is 10 + melee damage reduction and 6% elite damage reduction.